The Lenten season is a period when Catholics renew their baptismal commitment and reflect on their Christianity as they prepare themselves to celebrate the Paschal Mystery at Easter. The Lenten season is a period when Christians turn their hearts to God and reflect on their lives, just as Christ reflected on his as he fasted for forty days in the desert. During Lent, Christians strive to identify their temptations and build discipline as they fast something they are too attached to. The fasting item should be that which ‘steals’ the position of God in the individual’s life. Items to fast might be food, dating, clubbing, cussing, or even gossiping. However, since Africans are known to love meat, the agreed-upon item to fast is meat, which should not be eaten on Friday.
The cornerstones of Lent include prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. However, these things should be done in secret as individuals try to get closer to God, not earn respect or favor from their peers. Therefore, even as you fast, you should maintain your beauty and confidence, clean up as required, and maintain discretion. Nonetheless, during lent, let your outfits be a small penance that turn you away from the things of this world. Instead, they should turn you towards Christ crucified. Instead of wearing vain and showy clothes, individuals should wear clothes that demonstrate humble simplicity.
At African Bravo Creative, we understand you need to dress modestly during lent as you reflect on your Christianity and life within Christ. We also understand your need to look simple without showing off that you are fasting or praying. Therefore, we have a few considerations on what you should wear during this Lenten season.
Minimize your use of shimmery jewelry
Jewelry is an important part of your outfit as they are the perfect accessory. They also bring more radiance to your face, making you look well dressed up. However, the Lenten season is a period of somber mood and reflection. Therefore, you should keep your vibrant, elaborate jewelry aside and opt for more simple earrings like the bone earrings offered on our website. These earrings will add a gorgeous touch to your look without being too showy, thus ensuring that they are not distracting. Purchase either of our bone earrings today, and we will deliver them to your preferred location as soon as possible.
Layer your clothes
The Lenten season means that you have to attend the way of the cross, which involves frequent kneeling down at each station of the cross. The last thing you want to happen is for you to kneel and expose your thighs of cleverage. Alternatively, you don’t want to spend the whole session wondering whether your dress looks weird or is not covering you up as required.
Therefore, if you know that your dress, skirt, or top has a few areas that need adjusting opt to layer them. For instance, wear a slitted or short skirt with a pair of tights to maintain modesty. Alternatively, wear your cleveraged top or dress with a turtle neck to cover up your breasts, thus ensuring that you don’t have to take weird angles as you kneel and stand. Similarly, you can cover up using shrugs and shows, especially if too cold. Opt to layer with neutral colors like black to maintain the overall simplicity of your outfit.
One question we may sometimes frequently ask is whether it is appropriate to wear jeans in church. Although jeans are now generally accepted in church, are they suitable during lent? And if you put on Jeans, how should you dress them? We generally do not recommend jeans, especially during the way of the cross. Instead, you should wear more flexible dresses and skirts that will only show off your silhouette. However, mom jeans are generally less tight and have no risk of ripping apart during the constant kneeling and standing. Wear your mom jeans with a tucked-in longer shirt that will ensure your body or panties do not show throughout the session. Overall, you should first wear some neutral church outfits like a skirt first and look at what other people are wearing. This will give you an idea of what is generally accepted in the church.
Jeans are often a go-to outfit for men. If you wear your jeans to church, make sure you pair them with appropriate shirts. These might include the beautiful, classy men’s shirts we offer on our website. If you do not have one, we insist that you purchase one today, and we will deliver it to your preferred location as soon as possible. It would be best to pair your jeans with a matching belt and shoes, thus ensuring that you look classy. For instance, wear our black froarial shoes with a matching black belt for a complete look.
As a rule, do not wear any ripped or light blue jeans that will be distracting. Instead, go for darker shades like black, brown, or navy blue. Also, don’t wear very visibly old jeans that will make you seem like you did not consider your outfit. You want to look as presentable as possible
Avoid Elaborate Hairstyles
Hairstyles are a wonderful way of showing off your style and maintaining your uniqueness. However, the Lenten season is a period of reflection. While we understand that you need to maintain your originality and style, we insist that you maintain simplicity. Although you can generally put on any hairstyle, this is not the time to wear your pink, orange, white, or bright purple braids. Go for simple non-distracting shades like brown, black and dark purple. These shades will ensure that you look beautiful but considerate to the period of suffering that Christ endured in the desert.
Wear Clean, Pressed Clothes
This rule goes for both men and women. As you go to church during this season or any other time, always show your respect by wearing clean, pressed clothing. This is a date with God. Therefore, strive to wear your Sunday best and ensure that you look well done. A clean look also includes a clean pair of shoes, clean hair, and of course, ensure that you shower and brush your teeth. Always ensure that you look presentable to God no matter what, regardless of whether you are fasting or praying.
Wear Fitting Clothes
Fitting means not loose or tight. Baggy clothes will generally make you look sloppy. On the other hand, tight clothes will make you look like you are stealing clothes from your younger siblings. Wear well-fitting clothes that will ensure that you look mature and stylish. This will ensure that you maintain the respect of all church members without being too distracting.
Revealing clothes
No matter the occasion, you should never wear revealing clothes like cut-off shorts, tank tops, crop tops, or sheer outfits in church. These outfits are especially a no in the Lenten season. The goal of going to church should be connecting with God, not getting suitors or mesmerizing people with your body.
Graphic shirts
Lenten requires humble outfits. This is not the time to put on your elaborate shirts and tops with numerous words or detailed images. As we indicated, the Lenten season is a period of reflection; save your more cheerful graphic and elaborate outfits for Easter, when Christ would have risen. You should especially avoid clothes with obnoxious wordings or sayings.
You should always show your respect in church as Christ is present. Therefore, avoid caps at all costs. It is obscene for you to be wearing a cap or hat when others are praying. If you have a bad hair day, opt for a wig or a head wrap, which is simple, feminine, and respectful. Wear our dresses like the Moroccan kitenge dress that comes with a matching headpiece, thus ensuring that you look simple and snatched. If you still don’t have this outfit, purchase it from our website. We will deliver it to your preferred location as soon as possible. We promise you will love it

Nothing screams attention like heels on tiles when the whole congregation is silent. Heels, boisterous ones, are a significant distraction, and they may annoy many members of the congregation, especially those who were trying to pray. Similarly, long heels will be a massive distraction to you, especially during the way of the cross. This session is usually long, making your legs ache, thus distracting you from the prayer. The heels might also limit your ability to stand and kneel, which ruins the whole purpose of the way of the cross. Therefore, during lent, opt for more simple flats of low-heeled kitten shoes, especially when you go to church. This is the best time to wear the boyfriend shoes offered on our website. Purchase our boyfriend shoes today, and we will deliver them to your preferred location as soon as possible.